Dear Music Folk...
... who don’t mind driving all of the way up to Cold Spring Tavern on a Saturday Eve,**
You are invited to attend a music event featuring the OCEAN ALL STARS BAND.
Saturday, January 25, 6 - 9 PM Admission is Free.
Cold Spring Tavern, 5995 Stagecoach Rd.
There are some new tunes to be played that (I think) are good, as well as some
of the songs off of my first CD entitled, “Cardboard World Peace Tour”
which will also be available the night of the event.
In theory, it will be a pop mix of country, western bluesy jazz, with a mix of funky disco hip hop swing and an added rock und roll reggae sort of operetta.
It is for this, and many other reasons that I am looking forward to hopefully seeing you there. Bring your ear plugs.
Yours Truly,
Dinner RSVP 967-0066
Band members include; Andy Babcock drums, Roger House guitar, Dale Ross bass, and Ruston Slager keyboards. Special Guests (?)
*Note; The first “R” is silent!
**In actuality, it is only in time about 9 minutes drive from the bottom of Hwy 154 to the top.